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Namjagbarwa in autumn
 (Taken by Du Zequan)

  The rocks in the Great Canyon are mainly metamorphic rocks. The base of which is quite old. They have experienced a lot of crust changes and they upraised violently during the quaternary period. The covering layer is rather thin and shallow; therefore the element content in the lithosphere is much less than the crust Clark value. This phenomenon was probably because the climate was too warm or the living creatures in the bottom of the ocean were too prosperous at that time. 

Distant view of Mount Jialabailei and Namjagbarwa at the entrance to the Great Canyon 

  In the gneiss stratum near Garlungla of this district, there is a layer of white and light green marble intercalation and a layer of tremlite. The thickness of them varies from several meters to tens of meters. The consistency of these marbles and tremlite are very pure. The direction of their distribution is in north-west direction or north-west-west direction. They incline towards the southeast with an angle of 600-700. They can be excavated as construction materials or materials to make limes. 




  Land Resource
  Climatic Resource
  Water Resources
  Biological Resources


A Heroic Undertaking by Chinese Scientists

Get to Know the Greatest Canyon
The Largest Wet Tongue of the World

A Peculiar Horseshoe

Magnificent Riverbed Waterfall Groups

Fantastic Vertical Natural Zones

Azalea in Harsh Coldness

The Kingdom of Animals and Plants

Rare and Precious Animals

Exuberant Forests in Deep Valleys

Taking a Wonderful Journey in the Grand Canyon

 An Extraordinary Mud-rock Flow

Unique Culture of the Canyon

Peep into Lhoba Customs

Slash-and-burn Cultivation

The Rule of Bome King
The 6th Generation Dalailama, a Living God of Mamba People and a Mamba Poet


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