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A Real Most of the World

Hiking Through

The Unique Tectonic

The Abundant Resources

Natural Disasters

Wonderful Journeys

Records of the Customs




Landscape of Midui Glacier

  It's a journey of one to two days. Tourists can enter the valley from No. 84K exit of the Sichuan-Tibet highway and then climb to the contemporary glaciers on foot. The glaciers are of typical monsoon moderate glaciers and they appear before people in all shapes. The glaciers are most famous for their giant ice basin, for their frequent snow avalanches, and for their giant ice cascade as long as 700-800 meters. In the upstream of the glaciers are the arch-shaped ice formations. Tourists can see all the ice lakes, fields and villages there. It's a natural park of glaciers.







Natural Landscape and Human Customs
Parlung Zangbo - "Land of Fish and Rice in Tibet"

Landscape of Nyang Qu


A Heroic Undertaking by Chinese Scientists

Get to Know the Greatest Canyon
The Largest Wet Tongue of the World

A Peculiar Horseshoe

Magnificent Riverbed Waterfall Groups

Fantastic Vertical Natural Zones

Azalea in Harsh Coldness

The Kingdom of Animals and Plants

Rare and Precious Animals

Exuberant Forests in Deep Valleys

Taking a Wonderful Journey in the Grand Canyon

 An Extraordinary Mud-rock Flow

Unique Culture of the Canyon

Peep into Lhoba Customs

Slash-and-burn Cultivation

The Rule of Bome King
The 6th Generation Dalailama, a Living God of Mamba People and a Mamba Poet


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